Executive Team
RJ Hauman, President
RJ Hauman is an immigration enforcement expert with over a decade of experience in Washington covering the issue. In his time leading government relations and communications at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), RJ helped build FAIR into one of Washington’s most influential issue advocacy organizations. Throughout his time at FAIR, RJ was a top spokesperson and advocate for the immigration reform movement, regularly quoted in Fox News, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Hill, Roll Call, Politico, and other media outlets. RJ also spent time on Capitol Hill as an aide to former Congressman Elton Gallegly (R-CA), who chaired the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement.
RJ received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Clemson University as well as a Master’s degree from the Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University. He currently splits time between Houston, TX and Washington, D.C., leading Stryker Strategies LLC, a boutique public affairs firm, and also serves as a Visiting Advisor at The Heritage Foundation.
Advisory Board
Joseph Edlow
Joseph Edlow has an extensive, distinguished background in immigration policy. He most recently served as Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Prior to this position, he served as Chief Counsel for USCIS. Before his time at USCIS, he worked on immigration issue in various capacities under the Trump administration, including with the Executive Office of the President and the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy. He served from 2008-2015 as Assistant Chief Counsel for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He possesses significant experience on Capitol Hill, as well, including stints with the House Judiciary Committee and former Rep. Raúl Labrador of Idaho.
John Fabbricatore
John Fabbricatore is a United States Air Force veteran and recently retired after more than 30 years of service with the United States government in a federal law enforcement capacity, spending the last 23 years with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), most recently as a member of the Senior Executive Service and as the Field Office Director for the states of Colorado and Wyoming. He has led multi-agency joint task forces related to enforcing immigration law and spent many years locating criminal alien fugitives, arresting illegal alien sex offenders, and combating heroin and fentanyl trafficking. He also served as a Deputy Chief of Staff for Joint Task Force West, a multi-agency, cross-corridor operation at the federal, state, local, tribal, and international levels to disrupt Transnational Criminal Organizations. Additionally, he was detailed to Washington, D.C. to work in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Operations section as the Director of Independent Departure for Task Force Operation Allies Welcome (OAW), which was set up to address the Afghanistan refugee crisis. For his work during OAW, he received the Secretary’s Homeland Security Silver Medal for Meritorious Service. He was also awarded the Meritorious Life Saving Medal from Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office for saving a life in a fire.
Mike Howell
Mike Howell currently leads The Heritage Foundation’s investigative and oversight arm. The Oversight Project utilizes Heritage’s world-class issue area experts to inform strategic records requests, targeted litigation, and innovative investigations utilizing cutting-edge resources and contacts. The work is primarily intended to drive successful federal, state, and local oversight and accountability of the destructive work of the radical, open borders Left. Before joining Heritage in October 2018, he served at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the General Counsel, where he was the Chief Legal Point of Contact for the department’s 3,000-lawyer office for all congressional oversight and investigations. Prior to joining the Trump administration, he was on Capitol Hill for five years as an attorney for both the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the House Oversight Committee. During this time, he worked under Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman of House Oversight Jason Chaffetz, and Subcommittee for National Security Chairman Ron DeSantis. While on the Hill, he led national security investigations into various Obama administration controversies, including security failures at the U.S. Secret Service, corruption at the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General (which resulted in the resignations of two Acting Inspector Generals, on two separate occasions), and the handling of overseas terrorism incidents. Prior to this, he worked in Atlanta Immigration Court, for both U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attorneys and then Immigration Judges from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR).
John Zadrozny
John Zadrozny serves as the America First Legal Foundation’s Deputy Director for Oversight and Investigations. Prior to joining AFL, John was the Director of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at the America First Policy Institute and held several key roles in the Trump Administration, including most recently as Deputy Assistant to the President in the Office of the Senior Advisor for Policy at the White House. Prior to his service in the Trump Administration, John spent six years on Capitol Hill, which included service as counsel to both U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA). John has homeland security, national security, personnel management, and related experience.